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Statistics dashboard and reporting

Our admin support guides are moving.

We will be updating and maintaining our support documentation for Figshare repository administrators and managers in our support portal as of June 2024. To ensure you are viewing the most up to date content, please visit our support portal and ensure you are logged in with your institution email.

You can find all our updated admin guides in the support portal:

If you’re interested in information about views, downloads, citations, storage quota used, storage quota remaining, regional information about views, top viewed, top downloaded, etc., this information is available in a private dashboard available only to administrators and reporters at the institution. This can be found by selecting the dropdown menu in the top right, and clicking on Statistics.

Please note, the statistics dashboard only works on your production environment as we don’t track usage metrics on your stage environment.

This dashboard is powered by Kibana, a platform to display statistics in a visual, interactive way. This will allow you to run reports on demand, access information on a variety of fields, and visualize it in a more presentable way. The widgets in the dashboard can be customized based on your needs. All reports within the widgets are exportable in raw or formatted versions by selecting the downward facing arrow. These export as CSV files.

You can select the time frame in which the reports are run by clicking the arrow next to Last 90 Days at the top of the page. You can choose a quick view, a relative view or an absolute view.

If there are any reports that you and your organization would benefit from seeing regularly, please let us know via support and we’d be happy to add it.  

There is also an optional public-facing statistics page available at This shows high-level information on views and downloads which is filterable by group, item type, and timeframe. To turn this page on or off, please submit a support ticket.

We can also report on user information such as storage assigned, number of public items, number of private items, etc. Select the users you need in the report and select Download user report at the bottom of the page to download an Excel file of the user report. If you need only users associate to some groups, select that group in the top drop down then select all users from the table header. You can also use the checkboxes to filter only the users you are interested in. The parameters we report on in the user report can be found here.

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