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Email notifications: a guide for administrators

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By way of notifications, Figshare offers email notifications and alerts displayed in the website’s Activity area. There are several workflows that lead to notifications and are presented below. 

Storage requests 

Storage for account

Each user, including administrators of all types, have their own storage space allocated from the top institution level. The account holder can request a modification to their storage allocation from their My data area and include an optional message to the administrator to justify their request. 

This would trigger two types of notifications to the administrator: an email notification and an alert in their Activity area. The email will give details about who asked for the modification and old and new storage values. The email will take the administrator to the Activity area where they can approve, decline, or modify the request. All three actions would trigger an email to be sent to the requester. The administrator can add their own personal message to justify the action. 

Storage for a specific project

Each user, including administrators of all types, can create a project that is connected to a group. By default, a set amount of project storage is allocated to new projects that can be defined for each group. 

However, the owner of the project can request to modify this amount from within the Edit project page and can include a message of justification. This results in two types of notifications: one via email and one directly in the Activity area. 

The email and the activity notifications will be sent to all administrators of that group. The email will have the project name and the user name of the requester and both old and new values. The email will lead to the Activity area where the administrator can decide if they want to approve, decline, or modify the request. Any of the three actions would trigger a new email to the project owner, informing them about the administrator’s decision. 


There are several email notifications that are sent as part of the review process. Most of the email notifications are default and are turned on when review is turned on but there is also an extra email that can be created and configured by request. The review process won’t trigger notifications in the Activity area since there is an entire module available for the review process. 

On top of receiving an email for each new request that is created, reviewers can also see the number of unassigned (new) requests which is displayed next to the Review option in their User menu. 

New review request

The first email is sent to all reviewers assigned to the group where the request is associated to let them know there is a new review request. This happens for every modification performed on an item that needs to be made publicly available, even if the item is already public and the modification won’t trigger a new version. Any change on the item triggers a new revision request and every request comes with email notifications sent to reviewers. 

Comment sent to item owner

All reviewers, including the one assigned on the request, can add comments and send these messages to the submitting author via email.

Item approved or declined in review

The assigned reviewer can decide if the item can be made public or if they want to decline the request and send the item back to the author for modifications. 

When performing these two actions, the reviewers are able to add a personalised message to the author or just approve/decline with no message. Either way, the submitting author is notified via email and they will be able to see if their request was approved or declined and the extra comment, if added.

Project invitation for a user that has a Figshare account (individual or institutional)

The project owner can search for collaborators using their name, ORCID, or email address. If the person has an account, then the project owner will be able to invite them to join the project. This process will trigger an email notification to the invited person and also an Activity entry in their Figshare account. 

The email invitation will display the name of the person that sent the invitation, the project name, and an optional message that the project owner can add when sending the invitation. Project invitations expire in seven days. 

To accept the invitation, the user needs to go to the Activity tab by clicking on the invitation from the email or simply from the application, and select Join the project. The user can also decline the invitation. 

Project invitation for a user that does not yet have an account or an institutional account with Figshare

Users within your institution can invite one another to join a project. However, if they want to invite someone that does not yet have a Figshare account they must invite them to create a free Figshare account. This can be accomplished from the Edit project area, where users must add their collaborators’ name and email.

These collaborators will receive an email to join Figshare, which will prompt them to create an individual Figshare account, immediately connected to the project they have been invited to join.

Followed content 

Figshare allows logged in users to follow certain entities like authors, portals, collections, categories, and search queries. After the user chooses to follow one of these, they will receive weekly or daily updates with content matching their preferences. 

Users can choose to stop receiving these emails or change frequency from the Notification area on the Settings page (account settings).

Notifications related to signing up for an account

These types of notifications are strictly available for portals that offer the sign up option. To be able to create an account and associate it to the portal, the new user must validate their email address. Upon signing up, they receive an email notification, from where they must confirm their email in order to be able to log in and use their new account.

Reset password

This type of notification applies to institutional users that use Figshare authentication. If they forget their password, they can use the forget password functionality which would send them an email notification to reset their password.

Restricted file request

If your repository has the request file feature enabled, end users who are logged into a Figshare account will be able to fill in a form to request access to a restricted item. The system sends an email to the administrators and the item author.

ORCID integration related emails

If an account owner has linked their Figshare account with their ORCID account, they have several integration options. Two of the options may result in email notifications: pulling bibliographic data from ORCID to populate the publications section in the account profile and pulling metadata for newly added records in ORCID to create draft records in Figshare. In both cases the account holder receives an email.

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